Implement a Queue

Implementation of the Queue is so similar to a Stack. We operate with the queue using a FIFO-approach: add elements to the end (tail) of the queue and retrieve (poll) from the head.

General points of the algorithm:

  1. Store the head and tail in the class fields.
  2. Implement the add(…) method to extend the queue and poll() methods to retrieve the first (head) element.
  3. add(…) appends the queue and assigns the tail to the previous node.
  4. poll() method retrieves the head element and reassigns the new head to the previous element.
  5. Time complexity: O(1) for the add(..) and poll() methods.
  6. Space complexity: O(1) for the add(…) and poll() methods.
public class ImplementQueue {

  private static class Queue<T> {

    private Node<T> head;
    private Node<T> tail;

    private static class Node<T> {

      private final T value;
      private Node<T> prev;

      public Node(T value, Node<T> prev) {
        this.value = value;
        this.prev = prev;

    public void add(T value) {
      var node = new Node<>(value, null);
      if (head == null) {
        head = node;
      } else {
       tail.prev = node;
      tail = node;

    public T poll() {
      if (this.tail == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The stack is empty");
      var node = this.head;
      this.head = this.head.prev;
      return node.value;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    var stack = new Queue<Integer>();

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